Amiens, the 11th of December 1966, National Federation of Deportees and Internees, Resistors and Patriots, 10 rue Leroux, Paris XVIe
Dear Comrades,
Following our advertisements in the newspapers announcing the expansion of eligibility for pensions, I was called upon last week, at his request, to visit a comrade internee. This comrade is Jewish. He is very well known in AMIENS. He is a member of the board of A.D.I.R.P. (Association of Deportees, Internees, Resistors and Patriots).
He presented his case to me after appealing in vain to the officials of the A.D.I.R.P. I should add that this comrade is a supporter of unity and that his actions at one moment tipped the scales in its favor. Circumstances are different now. He no longer attends meetings; he is 88 years old.
This comrade AARON, Lucien, born 22 April 1878, was interned as a Jew at the DRANCY camp from January 4, 1944 to February 5, 1944. Inasmuch as he was already elderly at that time and was married to an Aryan (i.e. non-Jewish) woman, a circumstance which he made known at the time, he was transferred from Drancy to the Camp de LAMBLARDIE, 7 rue de Lamblardie, Paris, which as he maintains was an annex of Drancy, from Feb 5, 1944 to 15 June 1944. From 15 June 1944 to 5 September 1944 he was in forced confinement at the Camp des Abondances, 11 rue des Abondances , Bologne-surSeine.
[AFTER THE WAR] he made application for an Internee’s Card (entitling to certain government benefits), to which however a negative decision was rendered, 8 April 1955. He did not appeal this decision at the time.La décision de rejet est motivée par le fait que ce camarade n’a pas 3 mois internement, la commission ne retenant que la période passée au camp de Drancy.
The rejection of his application was based on the fact that the comrade had not been interned for three months, the commission only considering as valid the period he spent at Drancy Camp.
He maintains that the Camp de Lamblardie was an annex of Drancy and that convoys of deportees left from this camp.
I pointed out to this comrade that it wasn’t possible for him to open up a new dossier since there was a statute of limitations for an appeal and that he should have appealed the case at the time of the initial decision. I nonetheless promised him that I would make inquiries to see how the camp de Lamblardie was regarded from this point of view and if we knew of other comrades in similar situations.
He is a good soul, I remained at his house for two hours and I saw him weep as he recounted the vexations he endured before his arrest and the sufferings and anguish he experienced for his loved ones; he had 4 children whom he succeeded in hiding. I repeat he is very well known in AMIENS and in the department. At one time he had an important role in the affairs of the Jewish community.
I don’t know what we can do for him - -everything no doubt hinges on the question of the camp de Lamblardie. I hope you can make inquiries about this, so I can communicate to him how we might be able to follow up on his case.
With thanks, my dear comrades, respectfully yours,
Source: ADIRP, courtesy of Mme Gisele Cozette, President of Amiens section.